About Celeste Carlucci

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So far Celeste Carlucci has created 31 blog entries.

OnDemand FAQs


OnDemand FAQs Account Settings If you would like to read the full articles on Vimeo or view more questions, here is the link to Account Settings on Vimeo. You will also find the Help Link at the bottom of all pages. How do I log in? How do I log out? How do I get an invoice or receipt of my purchase/subscription? How do I reset my login password? How do I get a refund? How do I remove my saved credit card? Account unexpectedly logged out How do I change my login email address? How do I [...]

OnDemand FAQs2023-11-13T13:41:08-05:00

Organize Your Body: 2 Beginner Steps to Great Posture


Organize Your Body 2 Beginner Steps to Great Posture Daily I find myself imploring my Fallstoppers (class participants) to “Organize Your Body!” To help explain what I mean, I ask them to imagine each of their bodies as a tree moving through space. Each tree has a strong trunk that supports its branches. The trunk is strong core muscles. With the support of a strong trunk one is far less prone to dangerous winds and unpredictable conditions. Two Steps to organizing your body: STEP ONE: Stand strong, your feet parallel, shoulder width apart. Wiggle your toes in your shoes [...]

Organize Your Body: 2 Beginner Steps to Great Posture2024-12-10T12:01:15-05:00
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