Press Room2025-01-04T16:25:43-05:00

Press Room

Thank you for your interest in the Fall Stop…MOVE STRONG™ program. Writing an article, or reviewing our products? We’d love to talk to you and provide you with specific information and images to meet your needs. Contact us at for PR inquiries or see below for downloadable files.


The Transition Network-NYC Chapter
The Hearing Loss Association of America, New York City Chapter The Importance of Maintaining Balance and Strength at Any Age.
West End Synagogue in NYC Spirituality and Aging
Aging In New York Fund Celebrating Our Seniors: A Walk Through Time
The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan Move With Confidence: Stay Balanced and Safe
Bloomingdale: Aging In Place Improve Your Health: A Mind-Body-Spirit Workshop
Career Transitions For Dancers Creative Careers for Creative People



International Council on Active Aging Joyful Movement in Community-based Fall Prevention: A How-To
ASA-Aging in America Conference A Successful Community Based Fall Prevention Program
AOTA Annual Conference Treating the Whole Person: Incorporating Fall Prevention Strategies into Older Adult Practice”
American Geriatric Society Conference Fall Stop…MOVE STRONG program to Reduce Fall Risks Among Community Dwelling Older Adults
The American Occupational Therapy Association, AOTA Annual Conference: A Successful Community Based Fall Prevention and Strengthening Program For Older Adults

Fall Stop…MOVE STRONG™ is a nationally recognized joyful fitness/education fall prevention program that helps keep older adults active and safe in their homes and communities. Developed in New York City, the program is evidence-based and doctor-recommended.

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Good Morning America: Fall Stop…MOVE STRONG™ was featured with Sen. Barbara Mikulski and Jim Firman from the NCOA National Council on Aging.

Finalist in the United States Chamber of Commerce Free Enterprise Competition

Sherri Snelling’s Book, “A Cast of Caregivers,” featured Fall Stop…MOVE STRONG™

Martha Stewart’s Book, “Living the Good Long Life,” featured Fall Stop…MOVE STRONG™


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