JOIN FITNESS EXPERT Celeste Carlucci and Occupational Therapist Dr. Julie Kardachi for their presentation “Joyful Movement in Community-based Fall Prevention: A How-To” on October 19, 2018 at 4:30pm PST at this year’s ICAA Conference: Ignite, held in Long Beach California.
Fall Stop…MOVE STRONG™ is an evidence-based, doctor-recommended fitness and education program. Explore fall-risk factors and how they can be minimized by exercise or other strategies. Learn how to implement joyful fall-prevention strategies into 60+ adult programming, and practice targeted exercises to increase strength and balance, improve flexibility and reflexes, and prevent falls. Wear comfortable clothing.
You’ll be able to:
- Describe fall-risk factors and how they can be minimized via exercise or other strategies.
- Identify exercises effective in preventing falls.
- Implement exercises and strategies into your 60+ programming.
Faculty: Celeste Carlucci, President and Founder, Fall Stop…MOVE STRONG, and former professional dancer; and Julie Kardachi, MA, OTD, OTR/L, Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy Program, Touro College.
Learn more about the Conference and register to attend at